Wednesday, August 22, 2007

[[~a nEW lIFE~]]



[[Trapped Behind The Windows]]*|12:59 PM|

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

[[~wEDdINg iNvITATion List~]]

hey, i wanna to marry soon.... which grown shld i wear?? hmm......

hahaha..... hmm.... mayb i shuld start with my list of invitation....

dear dear's relatives n friends

my relatives will settle by my parents....
now is my friends.....

Poly mates

sui lan
hui xin
poi jiao

reggie n family (3)
keng kee
(those in bold shall be my bridemaid )

hui si
yi zhen
boon teck
da jie
mr hunag

In case i forgot anyone, pls inform me... hehehe.... n the above bu4 fen1 xiang1 hou4.... so dun fight huh.... n tell me hu u wan to sit same table wif....lol.....hahahahahhahaha

[[Trapped Behind The Windows]]*|11:54 AM|

Thursday, August 16, 2007

[[~Business Chinese & PRC Culture~]]

today we had our BCPRCC presentation which was a horror to me....... i spend 2 nites to finish the whole report..... my grp members was like dots dots dots..... yes they gt go things BUT they juz copy n paste from wikipedia....in th eend me and kk hav to do their part for them too.... can u imagine writing a report using chinese.....and worse thing is present in chinese...

we are the 1st grp to present. we suppose to mit 1.30pm to reharse our ppt. in the end only me n kk reached on time.... one, J come at 1.40 and another idiot A came at 1.55pm. in the we did nt managed to rehrase n we juz go in and do wateva we can.

i feel so weird nt wearing the blazer wif formal wear during presentation. mayb i'm too used to wearing it. hahaha. . . i feel as if i nv wear anything in front of everyone. . . weird rite? before the real thing, i n kk practiced outside the cls, n words juza cant go thru smoothly from my mouth. but when it comes to the real thing, i can do a much better job than b4.... i can even speed up my words when teacher say we left 5mins.... that's so cool loh. din noe i can present better in chinese...
below is my speech for todae:

"谢谢keng kee,接下来我将告诉你西部开发的原因。首先是中国西部经济。中国西部经济将继续保持快速增长,为外商投资西部创造更多的投资机会。经过二十多年的快速发展,西部地区已奠定了一定的物质技术基础,社会保持稳定,市场经济体制正在建立和完善之中,为西部经济持续快速增长创造了有利的市场环境。随着西部大开发战略的稳步推进,西部地区的资源优势、经济优势将得到充分发挥,经济增长的质量和水平将进一步提高。第二, 改善投资环境。中国政府将着力改善投资环境,进一步增强对外商投资的吸引力。目前,正在把改善投资环境的工作重点放在致力于完善投资的软环境上。最后,外商投资。国家鼓励西部的政策已经并将继续发挥积极作用,为外商投资西部提供了有力的政策支持。这主要是扩大中西部地区拓宽投资方式、放宽对外商投资的限制、对在鼓励投资的领域设立的外商投资企业给予更加优惠的税收待遇、加大对投资项目的金融支持、设立国家级经济技术开发区以营造优良的投资环境等六个方面。接下来,adeline 将为您述说为何重庆成都成为“新特区” 。

next part------

谢谢keng kee。下一个是扩大对外对内开放政策。扩大服务贸易对外开放如将外商对银行、商业零售企业投资的试点扩大到西部。并且,鼓励外商投资于西部地区的农业、水利、旅游等基础设施建设和资源开发,以及建立技术研究开发中心。西部地区可享受外商投资的优惠政策 。最后是吸引人才和发展科技教育的政策。鼓励在华外商投资企业再投资,并且,鼓励外资投资非油气矿产资源开发。如果,方便外籍人员出入境,那么在西部地区投资数额较大的外商投资企业,其外方投资者和企业的外籍高级管理人才、技术人员可获提供出入境便利。"

i belive most of u cant read the most of the words rite...hahahah.. coz u all ang mo pai mah..
or yeah, todae i realise something. that is the gang that me n kk hate most rite, is the "star" for tode. i din noe that whole cls hate them... they were like teasing that gang aspecially that T. she is the most irritating person in cls ever. always lick the teacher's boots. disgusting person. n the way she present makes all of us puke.... she act like she is in china loh wif all those twist tougne sound. the funnist part is whenever she gic example she will sae " my uncle sae diz, my uncle sae tat" until one guy in our cls said "ur uncle again ah" then she stop using her uncle. n they always make fun of her langgage.. like the words she use. you noe the "da jing xiao guai" she go and sae "xiao jing da guai", still gt alot of funny words come out frm her mouth loh... dam funny lah... then after cls, their grp go n lick the teacher boots again.... reali cant stand them.....
i have not seen my xiang gong for like almost 2 weks le.... i wonder if he miss me.... i have no feeling anymore.....i'm numb towards his feeling. i dun miss him anymore n dun even have that urge to see him faster. wat is happening to me? do i still love him? i dun noe. still have 1 more weeks to go.....

[[Trapped Behind The Windows]]*|10:45 PM|

Saturday, August 11, 2007


往前开下去很快就到, 转角你的家 一路都在找 却想不出还能说什么话. 但雨点落在玻璃上拼命打, 沉默更显得可怕. 在十字路口, 红灯亮起我们要停下. 你手机响了, 你不说话只用笑来回答, 你心里只有爱着你想你的他.



告诉我吧我无所谓. 流过的眼泪紧紧的依偎莫非全部是白费.

你爱过的心我要怎么才能唤得回, 爱情的余味原来只是我的一场误会 .你都收回我无所谓所有的伤悲由我来面对.

在十字路口红灯亮起爱情要停下, 什么都没说但你笑容泄漏你的选择.


在十字路口红灯亮起爱情要停下, 什么都没说但你笑容泄漏你的选择, 我们的过去忘了吗, 忘了吧!!!!


直到爱消失 你才懂得去珍惜身边每个美好风景.
只是他早已离去直到你想通, 他早已经不再对你留恋最后的你.
开始了一段挣扎你那么爱他, 为什么不把他留下为什么不说心里话.
你深爱他 这是每个人都知道啊
你那么爱他 为什么不把她留下 ????
是不是你有深爱的两个他 ?

只是他早已离去直到你想通, 他早已经不再对你留恋.
最后的你 开始了一段挣扎.
你那么爱他 为什么不把他留下 ?

这是每个人都知道啊你那么爱他 为什么不把她留下是不是你有深爱的两个他所以你不想再让自己 无法自拔你那么爱他 为什么不把他留下
你深爱他 这是每个人都知道啊
你那么爱他 为什么不把她留下是不是你有深爱的两个他
所以你不想再让自己 无法自拔


一个人在这个夜里孤单得难以入睡. 真的想找个人来陪不愿意一个人喝醉.

醉了以后, 就会流泪数着你给的伤悲.

为什么你总让我憔悴别说我的眼睛你无所谓 ............

看我流泪你, 头也不回, 哭过了泪干了, 心变成灰, 我想要的美你还不想给.
爱给了你, 我不后悔, 只希望你给我一次机会.

让我去追, 让我去飞, 毕竟爱过的心
需要安慰 需要你安慰!!!

如果说 拥有你是上天对我的宽容~那又何必 开这样的玩笑~当你 找到幸福的哪天请你不要忘记有一个人 永远爱着你...........

[[Trapped Behind The Windows]]*|5:49 PM|

Friday, August 10, 2007


Guess wat i m doing now??

i m influencing my student wif mana pic....

u noe wat she sae.....

""teacher dun blaff me lah.... i noe is a gal... she so pretty can...

if she is a boy, i will double my hmwk n hand up on time ""

in the end, i show her proof and there goes my hmwk to her....lol....

so fun....hahaha.... reali love mana....

he is sexy rite.... especially the one in kimono.... *faint*melt*

diz look like wedding photo loh.... *squeeze*

"nonono....... dun anyhow touch...." lame loh....

i tink i m attaching to mana lah..... cant 4get him..... he is dam pretty lah.....
even a gal cant compare wif him....
tell me.... which gal dun envy his beauty!!!!
hw i wish i m one of him nono.... is part of him.... if onli i have part of his beauty,
think the Q will queue frm pasir ris to Johor bah.....lol....
i muz be dreaming alreadi....
oh.... my student is asking me to send her more pic le....lol.....

[[Trapped Behind The Windows]]*|8:25 PM|

Thursday, August 02, 2007


dun noe y i start to be emo again. suddenly i feel dam fucking lonely. pardon me for using that f word. i juz cant control it. it's nt becoz i cant go the trip wif them. (so pals, dun worry, we can always go out again. n dun bothers abt wat i wrote the last blog. i'm juz being crazy) it's coz i realise many things. human is selfish in nature. people choose to go with the one they will benefit from. even him is the same. i feel lonely rite nw. i m reali veri tired n need a rest. it seems like the earth stop moving in my world. i miss my happiness, my liviness and my smile. i cant nv smile truely anymore. my sunshine has been block by dark shadow. it can never come out any more. lots and lots of burden make me feel veri heavy, i wan to get out of it. i reali need a shoulder now. a shoulder which can let me lean on it. i m too tired. i cant explain wat reali happen to me. coz i oso dun noe wzat reali happen to me. can anyone out there tell me why. why i become like this. whr's the old cheerful peizhen? whr has she gone to? i reali miss her. although she always smile outside but crying inside, at least she smiles. but now, i cant even smile. i reali miss her. i dun noe y i start to hate myself. i reali hate this me. i want the old me. i hate putting on a sad face everydae. i rather cry to myself. i hate to see people ard me sad for me, criticize me etc. what reali happen to me..... i'm lost! i reali wish to be part of u guys, a close part of u, but i juz cant get in. i can onli stay at the door. i can never get into the house of urs. no matter wat i did, i juz cant get in. am i that irritating that makes u all throw me out of the house? or am i blocking ur way? please tell me wat i should do! i have no idea wat shld i do to be able to go in the house of urs. i have tried it for years, but i juz cant do it. no matter where i go, i juz cant go in any of the house. i hate myself..... i reali hate myself alot. some times, i reali feel like killing myself and end this miserable life..... whenever i nid someone to tok to, i could not find any who i can tok to..... not even him..... no one understand me. i do not have a best friend, a friend who i can tok to, tell him/her my problems, my sorrow, to share my happiness. everydae wake up, go sch, finish sch come hm and slp. i dun have one who can tok to me n share things wif me. y is this so??? why others have, but i do not hav??? will ending my life settles everything? i'm not sure.... maybe even if i'm died, i could be a wandering soul... still as lonely. i dun noe wat i am toking now, but i'm veri sure that, i m clear of wat i'm doing. the only person i can tok to now is myself... i hav to depend on myself... everytime i m sad, i hav to keep my tears till midnite and cry to myself under the blanket. after crying, i hav to pretend nth happen the next dae. one dae, i will suffer from depressions and will kill myself. ending this miserable and lonely lives of mine mayb i will feel much better. i have a feeling that, my life span is veri short. it's going to end soon..... seriously, i nv predict wrongly. i will leave this world soon..... maybe before i leave, i wish i could have a best friend who i always hope for but never realise. i really want someone always there for me when i need someone two tok to...................................
friends around me...... if one day i really leaves this world, pls dun cry for me. be happy for me. beacause i have thrown away all my burdens and die peacefully. if one dae, u see me cry, dun ask me why, i may not noe the answer too.... because i juz feel too lonely n depressed....
if i got the chance to change my life, i will make sure u guys are still ard me...... coz u guys make things happen in me...... really, if i leaves this world, smile for me. never cry for me!

[[Trapped Behind The Windows]]*|12:39 AM|

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

[[~GEntinG triP?!?!?!?!?!?~]]

haiz..... standing between fun, money, exam and parents.......
i really find it hard to choose from......
until now, left less than 10 hrs for me to consider....
i seems like they can go without me.....
they will still enjoying themselves.....
it is my choice to join in the fun.....
but they are going before my calculus paper....
although i can still study before that, or during the journey there, but i do not hav the confident that i will do it.....
they seems to be in pairs, leaving me out.....
haiz..... wat shld i do?? i reali dun noe hw leh?????
if go, i may b lonely, and i hav to bear the consequence of my result but i will enjoy myself in the fun.....
if i dun go, i will not be able to join in the fun, i will study no matter wah....
headache lah......
i reali dun noe wat to do....
sometimes i reali feel veri lonely in the group....
i dun seems to have a partner in the group....
no1 to pair wif.....
y m i feeling so EMO nw???
mayb because i am born to be poor and lonely.....
blame hu??/
HAV TO blame myslef for nt joining them in their outings.....
wat m i doing here????
haiz...... dun noe y suddenly feel like crying.....
mayb coz of the song....
nw listening to radio and they are playing chi xin jue dui....
i dun noe if i shld go.... but i noe if i dun go, i will miss out the fun....
i m reali veri poor.....
loneiness make me very cold.
do i have a veri close friends??
is any1 out there?
i m reali veri lost.........
mayb i m meant to be alone......
p.s> pls ignore me if i have offended any of u..... i m juz being emo.....

[[Trapped Behind The Windows]]*|12:36 AM|

[[*Trapped Soul*]]

~//-*pR!ncEsS PhoeBe`-//*

. PhoeBe Lim
. Capricorn! (:
. ~*23yrs oLd*~
. UniSiM-BsC MArketing(:
. 4th Jan 1988
. PaS!R r!s! ((:
. epiggy88@hotmail.com

. Likes happy endings. =)

. Who doesn't? *[[___ She who dreams can touch the stars `-//*

L0vE t0 bE a SuN

[[*My Past Memories*]]

|February 2007|March 2007|April 2007|May 2007|July 2007|August 2007|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|February 2011|March 2011|September 2011|December 2011|May 2012

[[*s0uL taLks*]]

Romance SeSsions


|RegGie| Charlene| Charmaine| Keng KEe|
Pam| Jaren| Joyce| Sui Lan| |Hui Xin| Pio Jiao| L0Ved SiS| Carlin| Joycelyn| HuiXian| Doris| YiZhen| AtIqaH| HuisI| AdeLinE C.X.J| GenSi0n|

[[*Trapped wiSheS*]]

. LV NeverFuLL MM !! (04Jan10)
. LadIeS wAtcH (: (27Jan10)
. a CAR *~*
. iP0D ToucH :>
. trIp t0 TaiWan =)
. h0Ng KonG tRip +_+
. g0Ld AnKLeT 0_0
. a stAbLE jOb (22feb10)
. a DeGrEe cErT *((0_0))*
. b0dYsH0p PerFumE oIL (JUBA)
. AnnA sUi Flight Of faNcy
. LAnVin Eclat D'Arpege*((0_0))*
. LanCOmE MirAcLe

*[[_She who dreams can neVeR ComEs True`-//*

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

[[*aRe Y0u tHe OnE?!?!*]]