Sunday, September 13, 2009

[[~Raffles V.S Marina Sand~]]

i have received a call from marina sand telling me that im been hired as a dealer in their casino le...

the first tot of it was dam happy...

coz im realli in need of that 1.8K pay....

although im excited, i have doubts in it....

hearing from alot of ppl tat lifespan in IR is veri short...

they hired the first batch of staffs with high pay,

after 6mths, they will hire new staffs with lower pay n fire the old staffs...

this realli make me worried....

on the other hand,

i cant bear to leave RH BBR...

despite all the shiitty things happened over there,

i still love it alot...(not including some MGMT)

BBR is filled with lots of memories....

REGARDLESS happy or sorrow,

im still proud to be one of them...

wat shld i do??

i have to leave coz of the low pay....

i have to go coz of the high pay.....

in fact, i hate to change job de... coz i hate to start all over again....

tell me... wat shld i do..... im really lost......

[[Trapped Behind The Windows]]*|12:37 PM|

[[*Trapped Soul*]]

~//-*pR!ncEsS PhoeBe`-//*

. PhoeBe Lim
. Capricorn! (:
. ~*23yrs oLd*~
. UniSiM-BsC MArketing(:
. 4th Jan 1988
. PaS!R r!s! ((:
. epiggy88@hotmail.com

. Likes happy endings. =)

. Who doesn't? *[[___ She who dreams can touch the stars `-//*

L0vE t0 bE a SuN

[[*My Past Memories*]]

|February 2007|March 2007|April 2007|May 2007|July 2007|August 2007|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|February 2011|March 2011|September 2011|December 2011|May 2012

[[*s0uL taLks*]]

Romance SeSsions


|RegGie| Charlene| Charmaine| Keng KEe|
Pam| Jaren| Joyce| Sui Lan| |Hui Xin| Pio Jiao| L0Ved SiS| Carlin| Joycelyn| HuiXian| Doris| YiZhen| AtIqaH| HuisI| AdeLinE C.X.J| GenSi0n|

[[*Trapped wiSheS*]]

. LV NeverFuLL MM !! (04Jan10)
. LadIeS wAtcH (: (27Jan10)
. a CAR *~*
. iP0D ToucH :>
. trIp t0 TaiWan =)
. h0Ng KonG tRip +_+
. g0Ld AnKLeT 0_0
. a stAbLE jOb (22feb10)
. a DeGrEe cErT *((0_0))*
. b0dYsH0p PerFumE oIL (JUBA)
. AnnA sUi Flight Of faNcy
. LAnVin Eclat D'Arpege*((0_0))*
. LanCOmE MirAcLe

*[[_She who dreams can neVeR ComEs True`-//*

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[[*aRe Y0u tHe OnE?!?!*]]