YES!!!! i've passed my driving test with only 8demerit points.... hehe.... so i wrote in to thank my instructor.....
Dear Sir/Mdm,
I would like to express my appreciation to Mr Alex Chia (0381), my driving instructor. When i first joined One team, im left with less than 4months before my FTT expired. DUring these period, i failed my PT once and finally i've passed with flying colours on 23Nov09. Mr Chia was my instructor for my all 34 lessons. He never fail to cheer me up during the whole journey and never fail to protect me from harms. His temper is also very good. For the past few months, he had provided me with lots of knowledge about driving. Some instructors will teach learners under the guidelines, however, Mr Chia will change the rules and teach me according to my type or rather reactions. I've Been looking forward everyday for my driving lessons. And maybe it was him who motivated me to pass my retest with flying colours in order to repay what he has done for me.
Mr Chia,
No words can really describe how much i owe you. You've been a great help over the past months. I'm so glad I've passed! I greatly appreciate the attention, patience, care and concern toward me. I will always remember your willingness to help me during my time of need especially the last thing you did for me during the last lesson and the time when i first failed. It really takes a big heart to do it. Your example is a wonderful lesson to me. Please accept my sincere thanks.
Once again,
And they reply me with this:
Dear Madam,
Thank you for your kind letter regarding the exceptional treatment by our Instructor. ComfortDelGro Driving Centre has always endeavoured to deliver a high level of service and we are pleased to know that we have played a vital part in your driving success. A commendation letter has been extended to the Instructor and a copy forwarded to our Personnel Department to be kept in his personal files. This will definitely motivate him and it will also be taken into consideration during the performance appraisal exercise.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to write to us and we wish you all the best.
i hope this will help him to promote and increase pay. Coz he is also a very nice father who dote his children alot.....thank you my chia!
You are very special and you deserve the best!!!!!
I wish you a wonderful life filled with love and happiness,
No one desrves a happier birthday than you.
Wishing you all the great things in life,
hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest !!!!!!!!!
Suddenly i feel very lonely...
i wanted to share my burden, my sorrow to someone...
but i do not know who can i talk to....
i realise that i do not have someone to talk to...
who i can cry out loud on his/her shoulder
and he/she hug me tightly to make me feel warm...
i feel so cold so lonely....
i am really very tired....
when can i stop all these????????
iT's tImE fOr mE to WaKe Up lE!!!!!!!
~//-*pR!ncEsS PhoeBe`-//*
. PhoeBe Lim
. Capricorn! (:
. ~*23yrs oLd*~
. UniSiM-BsC MArketing(:
. 4th Jan 1988
. PaS!R r!s! ((:
. Likes happy endings. =)
. Who doesn't?
*[[___ She who dreams can touch the stars `-//*
L0vE t0 bE a SuN
|February 2007|March 2007|April 2007|May 2007|July 2007|August 2007|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|February 2011|March 2011|September 2011|December 2011|May 2012
[[*s0uL taLks*]]
Romance SeSsions
Keng KEe|
Sui Lan|
|Hui Xin|
Pio Jiao|
L0Ved SiS|
AdeLinE C.X.J|
[[*Trapped wiSheS*]]
. LV NeverFuLL MM !! (04Jan10)
. LadIeS wAtcH (: (27Jan10)
. a CAR *~*
. iP0D ToucH :>
. trIp t0 TaiWan =)
. h0Ng KonG tRip +_+
. g0Ld AnKLeT 0_0
. a stAbLE jOb (22feb10)
. a DeGrEe cErT *((0_0))*
. b0dYsH0p PerFumE oIL (JUBA)
. AnnA sUi Flight Of faNcy
. LAnVin Eclat D'Arpege*((0_0))*
. LanCOmE MirAcLe
*[[_She who dreams can neVeR ComEs True`-//*