Sunday, December 20, 2009

[[~*~baD NewS~*~]]

a bad news.....

my dad got RETRENCHED.....

it's a very bad news for both my dad n my family....

Coz my dad is the onli earning for the family. . .

at this point of time,

i can onli tink of ways to save money n earn money...

I can never think of resigning anymore...

I intially wanted to resign and take a rest... however, now is impossible..

wat shld i do??

i dun have any savings....

hope those ppl who owe me money pls return to me ASAP!!!!

it's nt tat i wanna to chase after you for the $$$ but is tat i reali nid it...

i reali dun noe hw can i survive wif this small amt of salary to support myself n oso my family....


[[Trapped Behind The Windows]]*|8:18 PM|

[[*Trapped Soul*]]

~//-*pR!ncEsS PhoeBe`-//*

. PhoeBe Lim
. Capricorn! (:
. ~*23yrs oLd*~
. UniSiM-BsC MArketing(:
. 4th Jan 1988
. PaS!R r!s! ((:
. epiggy88@hotmail.com

. Likes happy endings. =)

. Who doesn't? *[[___ She who dreams can touch the stars `-//*

L0vE t0 bE a SuN

[[*My Past Memories*]]

|February 2007|March 2007|April 2007|May 2007|July 2007|August 2007|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|February 2011|March 2011|September 2011|December 2011|May 2012

[[*s0uL taLks*]]

Romance SeSsions


|RegGie| Charlene| Charmaine| Keng KEe|
Pam| Jaren| Joyce| Sui Lan| |Hui Xin| Pio Jiao| L0Ved SiS| Carlin| Joycelyn| HuiXian| Doris| YiZhen| AtIqaH| HuisI| AdeLinE C.X.J| GenSi0n|

[[*Trapped wiSheS*]]

. LV NeverFuLL MM !! (04Jan10)
. LadIeS wAtcH (: (27Jan10)
. a CAR *~*
. iP0D ToucH :>
. trIp t0 TaiWan =)
. h0Ng KonG tRip +_+
. g0Ld AnKLeT 0_0
. a stAbLE jOb (22feb10)
. a DeGrEe cErT *((0_0))*
. b0dYsH0p PerFumE oIL (JUBA)
. AnnA sUi Flight Of faNcy
. LAnVin Eclat D'Arpege*((0_0))*
. LanCOmE MirAcLe

*[[_She who dreams can neVeR ComEs True`-//*

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[[*aRe Y0u tHe OnE?!?!*]]