Tuesday, November 30, 2010

[[Emo AGain~~~]]

I looked outside my window, up in the sky, there are clouds. In my eyes, those clouds form an image of you...I blink my eyes once and you disappeared. I raised my hand towards those clouds, wishing that the image of you will appear again, but it never happen....Tears roll down my eyes as I walk away from the window.

You are so close to me, yet so far away from me~~~~~

I wanted to take out Joker, all black hearts, Queen of Red Hearts & King of Red hearts from the deck of poker cards you have on the table. I am willing to be a joker to make you laugh when you are down. Life without you tends to be full of darkness just like the black hearts. I really hope you can be my King of Hearts.

Whenever there is King, there will be a Queen and I wish to be that Queen~~~



以前..只要你跟我説ー句''不要走''.我真的願意永遠留在你身旁. 但是...現在的我, 明白了無論我怎樣心碎..我仍然能當作小事... 這並不代表我無感覺...只是説明了..你巳經完全傷我傷得麻ホ了.... 每次都告訴自己不要去想妳.也不要去喜歡妳.甚至不要去愛上妳.然而每一個人都在期待著自己想要的人.也期待下一個人能夠讓自己得到幸福.

幾米說: 當你喜歡我的時候,我不喜歡你,當你愛上我的時候,我喜歡上你,當你離開我的時候,我卻愛上你,是你走得太快,還是我跟不上你的腳步,我們錯過了諾亞方舟,錯過了泰坦尼克號,錯過了一切的驚險與不驚險,我們還要繼續錯過.............


[[Trapped Behind The Windows]]*|6:56 PM|

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


別把犯賤當真愛。一個人作踐自己來取悅你的時候,千萬不要因此感動。幾米說: 當你喜歡我的時候,我不喜歡你,當你愛上我的時候,我喜歡上你,當你離開我的時候,我卻愛上你,是你走得太快,還是我跟不上你的腳步,我們錯過了諾亞方舟,錯過了泰坦尼克號,錯過了一切的驚險與不驚險,我們還要繼續錯過.............但是,請允許我說這樣自私的話..多年後,你若未聚.我還未嫁.那.我們能不能在一起??

[[Trapped Behind The Windows]]*|4:57 PM|

[[*Trapped Soul*]]

~//-*pR!ncEsS PhoeBe`-//*

. PhoeBe Lim
. Capricorn! (:
. ~*23yrs oLd*~
. UniSiM-BsC MArketing(:
. 4th Jan 1988
. PaS!R r!s! ((:
. epiggy88@hotmail.com

. Likes happy endings. =)

. Who doesn't? *[[___ She who dreams can touch the stars `-//*

L0vE t0 bE a SuN

[[*My Past Memories*]]

|February 2007|March 2007|April 2007|May 2007|July 2007|August 2007|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|February 2011|March 2011|September 2011|December 2011|May 2012

[[*s0uL taLks*]]

Romance SeSsions


|RegGie| Charlene| Charmaine| Keng KEe|
Pam| Jaren| Joyce| Sui Lan| |Hui Xin| Pio Jiao| L0Ved SiS| Carlin| Joycelyn| HuiXian| Doris| YiZhen| AtIqaH| HuisI| AdeLinE C.X.J| GenSi0n|

[[*Trapped wiSheS*]]

. LV NeverFuLL MM !! (04Jan10)
. LadIeS wAtcH (: (27Jan10)
. a CAR *~*
. iP0D ToucH :>
. trIp t0 TaiWan =)
. h0Ng KonG tRip +_+
. g0Ld AnKLeT 0_0
. a stAbLE jOb (22feb10)
. a DeGrEe cErT *((0_0))*
. b0dYsH0p PerFumE oIL (JUBA)
. AnnA sUi Flight Of faNcy
. LAnVin Eclat D'Arpege*((0_0))*
. LanCOmE MirAcLe

*[[_She who dreams can neVeR ComEs True`-//*

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[[*aRe Y0u tHe OnE?!?!*]]